Ride and Stride on 10th Sept 2022
Walk or ride to visit churches and raise money as you go.
Do you fancy a walk, a bike ride or a drive in the countryside, visiting churches and raising money for them as you go? Or would you be willing to sponsor others to do so to raise funds for our churches and the upkeep of historical churches in general?
As in previous years it is hoped that a group of people will be able to walk between a few of the churches in our benefice and enjoy our wonderful countryside, with sponsor money being divided between the church of their choice and the Hampshire and the Islands Historic Churches Trust. If you are interested in taking part in the walk on 10th September, please email Sally at office@acnb-church.org.
As usual, François, from Chilworth, intends to cycle about seventy miles around the thirty three churches of Romsey Deanery for St Denys' church and the Trust. His sponsorship form is in St Denys' church or commitments may be emailed for entry on the form to fh@talk21.com.
Ride and Stride is the major fundraising event of the Hampshire and the Islands Historic Churches Trust. The Trust makes grants to churches for a wide variety of reasons, mainly major maintenance and repair projects.
Our benefice has, over recent years, benefitted from grants to St Mark’s and St Denys'. Churches which receive grants are expected to reciprocate by participating in this event. Half the funds raised come to the participating church. The other half and Gift Aid raised goes to the Trust.
The day is a great opportunity to discover the rich heritage of our historic church buildings, see beautiful countryside, get some exercise and have fun with friends and family.
Please think about taking part or sponsoring those who will be joining the many hundreds all over Hampshire and beyond in helping to raise much needed funds so that our churches will still be open for the generations to come.